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“Two years ago, our household grew to include an adorable, good-natured puppy. With the personality and coloring of the gentle-giant Bernese Mountain dog, the swooping, curved tail of a Husky, and the short glossy fur of a Labrador, this little guy grew to be a huge (literally) part of our family.

We relocated to Council Bluffs in the spring of 2013, our young children and their only pet in tow. Knowing no one, having no connections, we asked our realtor for a veterinary recommendation. She raved about the folks at the Council Bluffs Veterinary Clinic. This knowledge we tucked away, assuming we’d only need a new vet for required annual vaccinations. How thankful we are now, after the month we’ve just experienced that it was this particular clinic our realtor recommended to us!

In early October, our young, healthy dog tore into a stuffed squeaky toy. We quickly gathered the fluff and disposed of it. However, the squeaky part didn’t even cross our minds. When our dog stopped eating, started vomiting, and lost his gusto, we knew something was wrong. The tiny squeaker lodged in his digestive system and he quickly became seriously ill.

Three surgeries later, more than a week of IV fluids and medications, constant care, enthusiastically cheering him on – a dog they’d never treated before – the staff at the Council Bluffs Veterinary Clinic saved our dog’s life. Without a doubt, they saved his life.

When I think of this welcome we received into our new community, I am blown away by the devotion of Dr. Hobbs and Dr. Michael. The vet techs, the reception staff, the ladies who watched over our dog as he slept on the floor (because he was too big for the recovery kennel) on a pile of blankets while medicine dripped into his recovering body – they showed such incredible kindness, that it’s effects are impossible to express adequately. Yet, they deserve to be acknowledged. In their quiet way, they gave us part of our family back, and we will be forever thankful.

Please, if you have a pet, heed the warnings to watch them tirelessly when they have a toy that can be torn to bits. Or better yet, skip the stuffed squeakers and keep your furry friend safe and healthy. The fact our dog survived this ordeal is nothing short of a miracle – the veterinarians say so themselves. Thank you Council Bluffs for supporting the work of these remarkable people who poured their all into bringing our family together again.”

The Newton FamilyCouncil Bluffs, IA

“They’ll take care of your pet. Sometimes due to some health concerns, they may have you wait in the car with your dog, but they’ll come out and get you.”

Ryan M.

“Aaron is the best veterinarian ever! Tabitha adores him! He is friendly & concise with his instructions. I won’t take her anywhere else!”

Brandy S.