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Important Announcement

To friends and family of CBVC,

We have made the decision to no longer offer veterinary services on Saturdays, starting July 2024. This decision was not made lightly; there was a lot of thought and discussion that went into this decision. We know that this may be an inconvenience, but we feel this change will allow our staff to have a well-deserved two-day weekend. Providing this time for our staff will give them time to rest, both mentally and physically, spend time with their families, help them be more energized, focused and continue to provide the level of care we strive to maintain. Our weekday hours will remain from 8 to 6, with walk-ins until
5:30. Please note that if we are already at capacity, anyone arriving after 5 may be asked to come back on the following day.

We will have a staff member available from 8 to 10 on Saturday mornings for medication and food pick-up, as well as picking up or dropping off boarded pets.

In addition, we will be offering early morning drop offs for surgical patients from 7:30-8:00am Monday thru Friday. More information regarding this option will be made available in the coming weeks.

We highly value your trust and loyalty as our clients, and we are committed to making this transition as smooth as possible.

Thank you for your understanding and continual support.

In case of an emergency over the weekend, we recommend contacting/visiting:
Urgent Pet Care or VCA Animal Hospital.

Dr. Steven Michael, DVM